Shortly after a preteen David Hewitt met Sissy at a mutual friend’s “boy-girl party,” he scrawled “David + Sissy” in wet concrete near the Charleston, South Carolina, homes where they lived two doors down from one another. That 12-year-old’s infatuation turned to love over the course of their teens and the two were married less than a decade later.
During their years together, they would occasionally come back to the fateful sidewalk where he first proclaimed his love to her…
But sadly, after 38 years of marriage, cancer took David in 2008.
Recently the Hewitts’ daughter noticed construction tape surrounding her family’s favorite sidewalk. She immediately got in touch with City Hall to make sure the memento wasn’t lost. The city allowed her family to cut the block out and movie it to Sissy’s home…
Sissy now has her husband’s first public declaration of love resting on a walkway between her garage and house as a constant reminder of the love they shared for so many years.
(via The Post and Courier)