One night there was a driver speeding down a road in the United Kingdom going over 100mph. Seeing this insanely reckless display, of course officers were called to pursue and stop the driver at all costs. A high speed chase ensued, the kind that people love to watch on TV, until FINALLY the driver pulled off the side. When the officers approached the car, they expected to find a fleeing criminal or maybe something worse, but what they found was terrifyingly awesome.
(H/T: Huffington Post)
Right afterwards, the new mother was transported to the hospital by ambulance with her newborn, who weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces. Both are said to be in good condition after the roadside delivery. We can only hope that this little guy’s impatience in coming into the world isn’t a sign to come, otherwise, this mother is going to have her hands full for a loooong time