In the city of Somerville, Massachusetts, which is just 2 miles outside of Boston and is the most densely populated municipality in New England, the police force has set up a simple but effective method of protecting pedestrians and generating revenue.
At a busy intersection, the cops plant a “pedestrian” who is supposedly on his way somewhere on foot. In fact, however, the pedestrian is repeatedly crossing the street so the cops can pull over anyone who doesn’t come to a stop for him as they drive by.
When a nearby neighbor noticed the scheme he began to film…
(via Free Thought Project)
It is required by law that motorists stop for people in the crosswalk. At the same time, setting people up to commit crimes is generally frowned upon. So what do you think?
Are these cops protecting and serving by reminding us all to stop for pedestrians or are they just fleecing their town’s inhabitants to increase revenue?