As long as there has been youth, there have been old people telling them to get off their lawn or they’ll call the cops. The New York Times was founded in 1851 and they seem to harbor the same rancor towards Millennials that any 163 year old would. Within ten minutes we found about… like… eight (no seriously, eight) articles by the New York Times about Millennials and – honestly – there is probably even more.
I liken the New York Times’ relationship to Millennials to the relationship between Squidward and Spongebob—the cranky squid has so much disdain for the chipper sponge-boy, but is also creepily obsessed with what he’s up to all the time. Ok rant over, if you are a Millennial tired of being painted in the same brush stroke as thousands of other Millennials, or have a Millennial friend who needs a pick-me-up, give this a share on Facebook…. or Tweet it… maybe Snapchat us? Instagram is a possibility. Bruno Mars.