If you have ever worked in a retail store, then you’d know how monotonous that job can be. Eventually, you might even lose track of what you’re doing if the
A Group Of Friends Bought A Bus. What They Turned It Into Is Epic… And What They Did? Even Better.
| EntertainmentWhen a group of Australian friends decided that they wanted to do something adventurous together, they created a plan that was brilliant and wonderfully unique. They were going to transform a
Just When I Thought I Knew What I Was Looking At… WOW. My Brain Just Exploded.
| EntertainmentBrooklyn artist Robin Antar has an amazing ability. She creates oversized replicas of common American items out of stone! Seriously, these things look exactly like the real deal, so much
Man gives stray owl stuck in his bathroom a hilariously stressful ride out the window on a Swiffer
| EntertainmentAfter finding an owl in his house, Colton Wright spent 40 minutes freaking out about it as much as the owl as they both tried to resolve the situation. Finally,
Married father goes on the best possible first date
| EntertainmentUsually first dates are too awkward to want to go on, let alone watch from afar online. But this one might be the exception… Source
Man convinces random women to get in his Lamborghini without even talking to them
| EntertainmentYouTube prankster Vitaly Zdorovetskiy shows how unsettlingly easy it is for him to pick up random girls…as long as he’s driving a Lamborghini. There’s no way these girls would join
This show-off’s motorcycle fail goes completely as predicted…but then it gets one better
| EntertainmentYou think you know what’s going to go wrong in this clip — and you’re right — but then it gets even funnier… Source
Instead of begging, homeless man reviews books on the street and sells them (but not to kids)
| EntertainmentPhilani is a homeless man in his mid-twenties in Johannesburg, South Africa. Many people in his situation simply stand at corners begging. And that can sometimes meet basic needs…but it certainly
Artist creates remarkable images with smoke in bottles [15 pictures]
| EntertainmentJim Dingilian has an amazing technique for creating art out of old bottles. He fills them with smoke… …and then scrapes away the coating left inside the glass by the
Watching this guy turn plastic bottles into string is inordinately gratifying
| EntertainmentThis Russian YouTuber has a homemade contraption that simple as that turns plastic bottles into string. For no good reason, it feels really good to watch… (via Reddit) Why make