This guy has been using Right Guard for a week now, so he’s qualified to speak to its quality… Or is he? Source
This guy can pour and flip 47 pancakes in 2 minutes
| EntertainmentThis Japanese street vendor has perfected the craft of mini-pancakes… Source
Are giant Lego blocks the future of building construction?
| EntertainmentA company called Kite Bricks is developing a construction system that they claim will by 70 – 80% cheaper and quicker than current methods all while being environmentally friendly and…quiet.
How to operate a 400-foot deep well with a camel
| EntertainmentIt is shocking for most of us to see what some people in the world need to go through to get water. In this case, the amount of work and
You’ll need to watch this quadruple kick several times to fully appreciate it…
| EntertainmentThis martial artist makes 4 kicks in one jump, but it happens so fast you’ll need to watch the 6-second clip multiple times to be as impressed as you should
Girl loses shoe during skydive, then catches it mid-air…after it hits her instructor in the face
| EntertainmentThe chain of events during this tandem skydive is amazing… (via DPF) Source
Dad sits in hot, closed car to see what it’s like… Internet turns his urgent warning into R&B
| EntertainmentThis past week a North Carolina man, Terry Williams, sat in his car with the windows shut during a sunny 90-degree day and recorded a message about what it feels
The ridiculous Guantanamo Bay contract between Cuba and the US explained in under a minute
| EntertainmentCGP Grey dryly summarizes the strange political status of military bases and embassies, including a brief and amusingly fascinating history of Cuba’s infamous Guantanamo Bay… Source
Adorably determined 2-year-old learns to walk with prosthetic leg, can’t stop chanting “I got it”
| EntertainmentLittle Kayden was born with a disease that unfortunately caused his leg to need to be amputated this past January. But now he has a prosthetic leg and a walker.
Baby loves the massage her dog is giving her, won’t let him quit
| EntertainmentWhen Bix the dog tried to take a break from licking this baby’s back, she insisted her canine friend continue… (via Daily Picks and Flicks) Source