Braille has been an effective tool to help those who are blind read; however, it’s understandably difficult when they’re tasked with reading something that isn’t converted to that format. Fortunately
Watch This Man Help Reunite This Adorable Fawn With His Mother. SO CUTE.
| EntertainmentThis amazing rescue of a fawn who had been stuck in a fence all day, screaming for its mother, comes to us thanks to the UK’s Wildlife Aid. Not only
Here Are Some Monster Fishes That Agree You Shouldn’t Go Swimming.
| EntertainmentTo some, fishing is a way to find serenity of the mind and return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers. To others, it is a boring excuse to hang
Tennis Player Does The Funniest Thing When Giving His Opponent A Congratulatory Hug.
| EntertainmentTennis players Dudi Sela (who is 5’9″), and Ivo Karlovic (who is 6’10″) recently played each other in the second round of the Claro Open Colombia. Karlovic defeated Sela 7-6,
“American Ninja Warrior” Has Its First Ever Female Finalist. Watch Her Inspirational Qualifying Run.
| Entertainment“American Ninja Warrior” is an American TV show where contestants take on ridiculously challenging obstacle courses and compete for a trip to an even more difficult course in Las Vegas.
Are These 20 People For Real? Somehow, Yes.
| EntertainmentHave you ever met someone whose existence is so bizarre that you can’t help but question whether or not they’re even real? Maybe there’s a wacky uncle of yours or
These Are The 21 Loneliest People In The World. So Hilariously Sad.
| EntertainmentThere are certain people in this world destined to spend their life alone. Forever. Mathematically speaking, the odds just aren’t in favor of everyone finding their perfect soul mate. It’s
Weird Al complains about trying to find gluten-free cookies (and 15 other first world problems)
| Entertainment“Weird Al” Yankovic’s latest parody is in the style of the Pixies and covers some of the most egregious problems millions of people face every day… Source
Mark Zuckerberg Founded Facebook, But This Woman Mastered It. Check Out Her Amazing Profile Pictures.
| EntertainmentWe’re all on Facebook. If you’re not, just pretend for a second, ok? It’s such a powerful tool – yet – so few of us actually use the site to
I’m Not Sure The World Is Ready For These Brutal And Anonymous Confessions From Moms. Wow.
| EntertainmentHaving a child is a blessing. It’s unlike any other experience in life and most parents will tell you that. However, even though a family is an incredible thing, there