In February, we featured a series of photos by Suzanne Heintz with her mannequin “family,” (“Single Woman Spends 14 Years with Mannequin Family to Make a Point“). In the spirited
The best of runway models falling
| EntertainmentI suppose if you’re regularly walking around in 90-inch heels, then this is going to happen. Call it an occupational hazard. Once the wobbles set in, there’s no going back… Source
Kayakers lifted out of the ocean by huge whales struggle to stay upright, absolutely love it
| EntertainmentPaddling through the waters of Golfo Nuevo off the Atlantic Ocean in Puerto Madryn, Argentina, a kayaking duo was excited to see a pod of massive southern right whales. As
Umpire calls the most animated “Strike 3!” you’ve ever seen
| EntertainmentTo say this guy’s third strike calls are over the top is a gross understatement, and that’s what makes them so entertaining… Related… How to call a strike at a Little
Is your entire state smaller than just L.A. County? Probably…
| EntertainmentLos Angeles County has about 10 million people, making it bigger in population than all but 7 states. States colored blue are smaller than L.A. County… (via Reddit) Source
Awesome dad and 7-year-old daughter break it down in dance she choreographed for the two of them
| EntertainmentOnce London Johnson learned the dance routine his daughter put together for the two of them, he lined up with her for an adorable rendition of Ariana Grande’s hit song
The scariest amusement park “ride” ever is a literal 100-foot free fall
| EntertainmentYou’ve ridden scary rides before with their twists, and loops, and breakneck pace. But you’ve never ridden anything like the Sky Tower at Denmark’s Tivoli Friheden park. It doesn’t twist
Best excuse for a crime ever offered in court…and it’s only one word.
| EntertainmentThis guy stands behind his crime. And why shouldn’t he. He has the best defense possible… Source
Homeless people each share one thing about themselves that will surprise you
| EntertainmentFor a simple but profound project, Rethink Homelessness invited several of Orlando’s homeless residents to tell the rest of us one fact from their lives that, if we walked past
Squirrels navigate intense backyard obstacle courses (complete with British commentary)
| EntertainmentSteve Barley likes squirrels and assault courses. Using a bit of ingenuity and some household scraps, he combined his two interests and hung obstacle courses for squirrels across his backyard.