Have you ever been driving through the country and suddenly come upon a grave in the road? Thankfully me neither, but that’s exactly what you can find driving on County Road 400
These 11 Celebrities Went From Rags To Riches In Real Success Stories.
| EntertainmentLooking for some inspiration to turn your life around, and finally start making some progress on your dreams? Well look no further, we’ve got it. Contrary to popular belief, not all
These 10 Mythical Animals Who Went From Legend To Reality.
| EntertainmentCryptozoology is the study of “hidden” animals whose existence has been rumored… but not exactly proven. Notable examples include Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster and The Jersey Devil. But don’t write them
A Mexican Bridal Shop Mannequin Looks Just Like A Preserved Human Corpse.
| EntertainmentIn the middle of Chihuahua, Mexico, there is a bridal shop that is quite famous. However, it’s not famous because of the dresses. It’s the store mannequins that keep them
These 31 Kids And Their Dogs Are The Cutest Thing You’ll See All Day.
| EntertainmentDogs and little kids go together like peanut butter and jelly. (To be honest with you, they’re actually a little better than PB&J.) Kids and dogs are both innocent and unconditionally
These Foods Will Totally Get You High, Bro. Like, For Real, Dude.
| EntertainmentYou’d have to be stoned to believe that smoking a banana peel would get you high. Some other websites will fraudulently tell you that. However, the following foods aren’t a
The Soul Box Camper Is The Pinnacle Of Glamping, Which Is A Thing Apparently.
| EntertainmentWhile it’s true, they are “The Great Outdoors,” there’s a certain confidence we all have in the indoors that doesn’t require us to try and build it up in our
Hilarious 27 Summer Fails That Will Make You Feel Better About Your Own Lame Summer.
| EntertainmentSummer begins full of hope and possibility. Maybe you’ll find a new romance, maybe you’ll read all the books you’ve been putting off, or maybe you’ll finally fit into that
This Is What It Would Be Like If Our Dads Were The President.
| EntertainmentThe 2016 presidential is still 2 years away, but it’s never too early for the American news media to pick potential front runners. We at ViralNova would like to enter
These Bomb Craters Leftover From World War II Are Hauntingly Beautiful.
| EntertainmentEven though World War II ended almost 70 years ago, the physical toll of the conflict is still evident in many countries. In Germany especially, there is an abundance of craters from the extensive