This kitten is very protective of its turf, whether or not those intruding on its territory are real… (via DPF) Source
If frozen dinner commercials were honest
| EntertainmentThe meals in this ad aren’t appetizing, but then, neither are the meals in real frozen dinner ads… (Brief NSFW language) (via Tastefully Offensive) Source
Thieves Try To Rob The Wrong Gas Station. Watch As This Clerk Puts His MMA Training To Use.
| EntertainmentIf you’ve watched Ocean’s 11, then you know robberies are all about planning and patience. When wannabe-thieves attacked gas station clerk Mayura Dissanyake’s coworker, it seemed like they had done
How Does Modern-Day Slang Compare With Old-Timey Slang?
| EntertainmentAs long as there has been language, there have been words and phrases that “the kids are saying.” Slang, idioms and jargon make no sense literally and you must understand
These Tiny Skeletons On Streets Of Mexico Are Amazing. But What Do They Mean?
| EntertainmentAccording to his online profile, artist and sculptor Isaac Cordal is sympathetic to the little people. Cordal has made a name for himself creating sculptures that push political bounds with
Shark Mouth! This Indian Teen Had 232 Extra Teeth Removed From His Mouth.
| EntertainmentNo, “Shark Mouth” is not the latest Sharknado sequel (unfortunately). It’s what people are calling 17-year-old Ashik Gawai after something very unusual happened to him last week. Following complaints of severe
These 31 Animal Facts Are Pleasantly Surprising. Guaranteed To Brighten Your Day. Just Wait.
| EntertainmentAre you sick of depressing or strange animals facts? You know the kind that tell you how many spider eggs your probably ate unknowingly ate with breakfast? Me, too. Animals are
This Hairclip Can Fix More Than Just Your Bad Hair Day.
| EntertainmentIt’s time to get rid of bobby pins and their pesky ways once and for all! Now, you can fit an entire toolbox in your hair, even if you’re suffering a
Churches That Have Found New Purpose In Life. They've Been Converted!
| EntertainmentOnce churches have lived their life to the fullest, they sometimes die. Urban decay and the movement of populations have resulted in a lot of churches standing empty. While some
What This Doberman Decides To Do On The Slide Just Made My Day.
| EntertainmentTaking your dogs to the park and playing with them as part of the family is a joy. After all, only kids and animals are able to embrace their joy